Homemade Elderberry Syrup
We have already had the first round of colds sweep through the ‘Holmstead’. How is it cold season again!
I love welcoming this time of year and all the glory this season has to offer- precious time with family and friends, yummy food, warm fires, holiday baking, traditions. Such a sweet time, that nestles right up to colds, and runny noses, and ear infections.
Last year, we jumped on the elderberry syrup wagon and I truly believe in it’s properties!
High in vitamin C
Anti-inflammatory properties
I was buying elderberry syrup almost every other week last year ($$$), and with another little mouth to feed this gold in a bottle to this year, I started exploring ways of making it myself. After some research, this is the recipe I came up with, and I LOVE the result.
1 pound <a href="http://Elderberries Whole, European Elder Berries, 1 Pound Bulk, Frontier“>dried elderberries
2 cups honey (I used local, thanks to my dad)
2 lemons
4 cinnamon sticks
5 cups of water
1 TBSP fresh ginger
1/2 TSP clove powder
Combine elderberries, zest from lemons + juice from one lemon, cinnamon sticks, water, ginger and clove into dutch oven. Bring to a boil, then allow it to simmer for 45 minutes.
Remove from heat and let cool. Once cooled, pour into bowl through a mesh strainer. Press elderberries, with the back of a spoon, against the strainer, so you get all that heavenly juice. Discard elderberries.
Once liquid is lukewarm, add the honey. Whisk until the honey is completely incorporated and dissolved.
Store syrup in glass bottle in the refrigerator, for up to three months. This recipe yielded 4 cups of syrup, roughly 180 servings.
I hope this recipe helps you and yours in your journey of health this season!
Raissa, where did you get your elderberries? I want to make some syrup as I’ve jumped on the elderberry bandwagon this year. You’re correct, it’s expensive to purchase every other week.
I ordered mine off Amazon! Here’s the link https://www.amazon.com/Elderberries-Whole-European-Berries-Frontier/dp/B000UVW4JE/ref=sr_1_6_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1543197298&sr=8-6&keywords=Dried+elderberry!