The Ultimate Summer Salad

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I’ve spent the last two days filling cake and cookie orders for Elisabet’s Baking Co. and ALL the sugar has me like … BLAH!

Salad for dinner anyone? Luckily, it’s summer and markets are overflowing with glorious rainbows of edible heaven. If you’re not hitting up your local farmer’s market, you are missing out!

Lastly, one word: dressing. Ya’ll it makes or breaks the beautiful concoction you just worked so hard to create! Secret. I am in love with Zoe’s Kitchen salad dressing. It goes perfectly with any salad. You can purchase it at your local Zoe’s (hopefully you have one near you)! If not, check out the copycat recipe here that The Cafe Sucre Farine created. It’s perfect!

Here’s my go to summer salad that I have been feeding everyone who walks through my door! Enjoy!

The Ultimate Summer Salad

  • Servings: 8-10
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–  2 heads of lettuce (pick your favorite—I always use green leaf)

–  1 red bell pepper chopped

–  2 avocados (sliced)

–  1/2 of an onion (chopped)

–  1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes halved

–  1 cucumber chopped

–  1 cup of chopped walnuts

–  2 cups of prepared quinoa

–  3/4 cup feta cheese crumbles


Throw it all together in a BIG salad bowl, drizzle on some Zoe’s salad dressing (or leave on the side) and voila, gloriousness just found its way to your kitchen! Throw some chicken or salmon in there for protein and your body be like “whoop whoop”!

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